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Isolation - Physical or Mental? (#1)

‘You don’t look depressed’, ‘it’s all in your head’, ‘just don’t think about it’, we have all heard these at least once in our lives. Sadly as a society, we do not consider mental issues to be as serious as physical ones. However, the current pandemic has made it such that taking care of our mental health has become a priority for many out of necessity. .

March 2020, we were told to stay home until the health crisis known as COVID-19 calms down, so school classrooms became google classrooms and office meetings became zoom meetings. Initially, the idea of changing our routines was refreshing. Now we’re in July 2021, almost 16 months later, praying for the day we can walk outside maskless and not feel incomplete. Being left alone with just ourselves has proved to be challenging, physical isolation eventually developed into mental isolation. Consciously or unconsciously, many of us have distanced ourselves from our family and friends.

During the lockdown many people around you may have started a small business, an NGO or achieved something. This pressure can add to our stress and further deteriorate our mental health. The idea that we have to do something productive during this time off has become an unsaid norm, many don’t realise some people are too busy with gathering the motivation to perform even their daily tasks. Taking this time to sort yourself out is justified. Not feeling ‘okay’ is justified. Not returning calls or texts because you don’t feel like socialising is justified. We must learn to put ourselves above our obligations or responsibilities. While doing that we must also remember regardless of whether someone tells you or not, everyone is fighting their own battles and we shouldn’t make anyone feel guilty for not prioritising others.

Not meeting anyone has led to many developing anxiety, depression, and more mental disorders. Although social media platforms and people around us have started to normalise discussing mental health, we may still feel uncomfortable. If you’re going through something similar, you’re not alone. Chances are people around you are also going through a tough time mentally, but speaking up takes courage. Quarantining has also resulted in higher rates of social anxiety. The reduction in regular physical contact has eliminated the need to communicate efficiently. Communicating with someone you trust is vital to improving your mental health, talking to someone about your thoughts can provide you with needed clarity. This being said, if you feel talking to a professional and getting their help is a better option for you, look for a verified therapist. Seeking professional help is nothing to be ashamed about, we don’t hesitate to go to doctors for physical issues so why should we for mental issues? To end this article I would like to say, you’re not alone and that someone is going through the same thing. We all deal with our own inner demons.

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